Friday, August 26, 2011

Ear Tubes and Rochester!

Hayden had his first surgery on Thursday, August 18. The procedure was minutes long, but the hospital process was looong! Hayden woke up at 5:15 am on Thursday morning to have a bottle of pedialyte before going to the hospital. While processing paperwork, he was in a great mood enjoying fun time with Daddy. Even while waiting to go back to surgery, Hayden was horsing around in the metal crib. He also got to pick out a toy from the magical chest - of course, mommy and daddy picked out a toy to keep him occupied so that he wouldn't think about food:) He finally fell asleep in Mommy's arms at 8:15 am, and we headed back to surgery at 8:30 am. We kissed him and said our "I love you's" to him, and he was carried back to the operating room by the nurse - thank goodness he was still asleep!
Pre-surgery room
In a matter of 10 minutes, Hayden's ENT, Dr. Essig, called us back and told us that the procedure went just fine. We were told that our little monkey would be back to us in the next half - hour, which felt like hours!! When the nurse rolled him into the recovery room, he was on his belly just taking it all in. As soon as he saw Mommy, he let out the big drama cry. We got him home and he slept for most of the afternoon.  All in all - Hayden was such a trooper. So happy that everything went successfully!

One day after having tubes put into his ears, Hayden visited his Mama ji (Uncle) and Mami ji (Aunt) in Rochester, NY. The trip was filled with lots of exploring of Monti mama's house - hardwood floors, tiles, glass tables, giant TV's - everything that he just loved to touch! He was also captivated by the beautiful pictures of Simran mami on the walls. Every time we took him to look at the pictures, he smiled! During his visit, Hayden also got to meet his extended family from Connecticut. We were able to have some fun bowling and sight seeing on the beach (or, what people in Rochester call a beach:). Hayden rode his first merry-go-round, and was able to stay up until almost 11 pm! While at a restaurant for dinner, Hayden started swaying back and forth getting into the groove of the band that was playing - he definitely didn't get his moves from his daddy:)
A little over a month to go until he's ONE! Goodness....time is just flying by!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Who you calling Baby....

At 10 1/2 months old, it's apparent that Hayden is no longer a baby. He's starting to do so many "Big Boy" things that have us wondering where the time went - it just flew by us! Although he still cries like a baby at times, Hayden is enjoying his newly found mobility. Some new milestones include:
  • Thursday, August 4: Crawling - I guess you could call it a crawl. It's more like a very handicapped version of a crawl, but we'll take it. The little man finally figured out that he could do it and has now mastered it. He's moving around the living room so quickly now. It's a matter of time until he figures out the correct version.
First Crawl (August 4th)

The Perfected Crawl (A few days later)

  • Wednesday, August 10: Walking (without a hand from mommy & daddy) - Not to get too excited here, but Hayden did take 2 steps on his own without mommy and daddy holding his hands. Pretty exciting! He's also able to walk pretty well with us holding only one hand. Pretty soon, he's going to be getting into so many things -- time to babyproof (QUICKLY!).
First Steps at the park - Without our help...

He's still the biggest cuddle bunny in the mornings, and still loves getting his way during the day. At daycare, he's in love with his teacher Mrs. Jenn, and won't let her leave his side. If it's not Hayden's way, it better be the highway because this kid will let you know - screaming, crying, etc. Daddy figured out that these are true tantrums - Hayden looks out of the corner of his eye to ensure that someone can hear him before he goes into a full blown tantrum - no real tears, just faking. Super sneaky:)-

Lastly - he's learned the word "uh oh" - When he throws his binky (purposely) in the car, it's always followed by an "uh oh" and an ornery grin. He also says the same word when he toots. At least he's giving us a heads up of the smell that's coming our way:)

Some Misc Pictures....

Swinging and Smiling
