Saturday, April 30, 2011

Best Buds!

Hayden has such a fascination with Zoe. He can be sitting on the floor and so captivated with Zoe that he will ignore anything that is put in front of him. Zoe loves to bring her balls and place them in front of Hayden, only to grab them right out of his hands once he picks them up.
Getting ready to hold Zoe's soccer ball

Zoe is also the first to run up the stairs when Hayden cries in his bedroom. She's absolutely a nervous wreck when her little buddy is in distress. She sits right outside his bedroom door as he's being rocked to sleep and only goes downstairs once Hayden is in for the night. They're really going to be the best of friends as Hayden grows up. They'll probably also get themselves into a lot of trouble; especially considering how sneaky they both can be.
4 Weeks old

 6 Weeks Old
6 months old

Saturday, April 16, 2011

6 Months Old!

Some new things the little man is doing now include:
  • Able to sit up without any support (he's actually been doing this for a little over a month now)
  • Moves toys from hand to hand
  • Razzing sounds with his lips - this is a lot of fun when he's doing this with a mouthful of food!
  • Babbling - lots of talking. No real words yet, but he understands what he's saying....sometimes we wonder if ZoĆ« understands him as well:)
  • Bouncing up and down with his legs. The kid LOVES to stand up (while we support him) and bounces his legs up and down.
Hayden's personality is really starting to come through now, and he's such a joy to us! He can really make any bad day a bright one full of smiles and hugs!

Friday, April 15, 2011

My Friend, Sophie

Hayden got a Sophie La Girrafe from Santa on Christmas. Jeff thought it was a useless toy, but Hayden seems to love it! This is a picture of Hayden and Sophie in Jan 2011; however, he's really loving to bite Sophie's ears and squeeze her neck lately.

Not to worry - she's rubber, so it's okay:)