Saturday, April 16, 2011

6 Months Old!

Some new things the little man is doing now include:
  • Able to sit up without any support (he's actually been doing this for a little over a month now)
  • Moves toys from hand to hand
  • Razzing sounds with his lips - this is a lot of fun when he's doing this with a mouthful of food!
  • Babbling - lots of talking. No real words yet, but he understands what he's saying....sometimes we wonder if ZoĆ« understands him as well:)
  • Bouncing up and down with his legs. The kid LOVES to stand up (while we support him) and bounces his legs up and down.
Hayden's personality is really starting to come through now, and he's such a joy to us! He can really make any bad day a bright one full of smiles and hugs!

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