Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat

Halloween 2011 pictures. Hayden had a school parade, and then went trick or treating at Nani and Nana's house.



Sunday, October 30, 2011

Snip, Snip, Snip

It could no longer be avoided....our son was starting to have the Billy Ray Cyrus hair style (All business in the front, and party in the back), so we had to get it cut. Hayden had his first hair cut at Cookie Cutters on Saturday, October 29th. His good mood quickly changed when he was placed in the little airplane chair. Although the stylist tried to distract him with baby talk and cartoons, the kid wasn't going to be fooled. As soon as the cape was placed around his neck, Hayden's sad face appeared. Luckily, mommy and daddy were able to distract him every few seconds by doing something silly.

Hayden did really well through the haircut, but started to get really fussy when the buzzing clippers came out. Ten minutes later, the haircut was finally over. He got a certificate, along with a lock of his hair, and a blue balloon. He finally has a groomed hair style and looks more handsome than ever - I is that even possible:)
One Year Old Professional Pictures

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fun to Be ONE!

Yes, it's official - Hayden is ONE!

Whew...this year has flown by! How quickly Hayden went from sleeping in mommy's arms, to walking and babbling. The last 12 months were full of so many changes and adjustments, but all worth it.


Hayden's 1st birthday party was full of fun and new things for the little monkey. Nani's house was decorated with balloons and streamers. Hayden loved walking around and pulling and kicking all of the balloons. He also tasted cheese pizza for the very first time - and, yes....the kid LOVED it!

First taste of pizza - Gimmie more!
After the pizza, Hayden was confused as to why everyone was wearing silly hats on their heads! We all sang Happy Birthday to him as he blew out his candle. When it came time to smash the cake, Hayden wanted nothing to do with it. He stared at the cake in wonder and touched the very tip of it. Finally, mommy put a little icing on his hands and face, which really frustrated him -- he hates to be dirty. At the end, Hayden decided it was better to feed mommy and daddy the cake rather than eating it himself.



After cake came the presents! Although he was sooooo sleepy, he made it through opening all of his gifts. His favorite gift by far --- the Radio Flyer tricycle that Great Grandma and Grandpa bought for him. Why was it his favorite ------ because of the super loud (and annoying) horn that he continued to push!


The party was a success and in the end, the little man slept for over an hour. It was a day full of family and fun!
Lastly - on Hayden's actual birthday (Sunday, October 16, 2011), Mommy and Daddy took him to the park to swing and explore the playground.

Daddy also set up a giant activity gym in the house for Hayden to play around in. Although he didn't let us put a birthday hat on him during his party, Mommy was bound and determined to get at least one picture with the cute little hat on his head.......

Not Happy:(
With his first birthday behind him, he's off to new adventures as he grows.
On to the toddler years.....
“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” - Maya Angelou

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

We took Hayden to the pumpkin patch this weekend. He was so excited to see so many pumpkins, as well all the little kiddos playing in the fields. Attached are some pictures of Hayden picking out some pumpkins.