Sunday, October 30, 2011

Snip, Snip, Snip

It could no longer be avoided....our son was starting to have the Billy Ray Cyrus hair style (All business in the front, and party in the back), so we had to get it cut. Hayden had his first hair cut at Cookie Cutters on Saturday, October 29th. His good mood quickly changed when he was placed in the little airplane chair. Although the stylist tried to distract him with baby talk and cartoons, the kid wasn't going to be fooled. As soon as the cape was placed around his neck, Hayden's sad face appeared. Luckily, mommy and daddy were able to distract him every few seconds by doing something silly.

Hayden did really well through the haircut, but started to get really fussy when the buzzing clippers came out. Ten minutes later, the haircut was finally over. He got a certificate, along with a lock of his hair, and a blue balloon. He finally has a groomed hair style and looks more handsome than ever - I is that even possible:)
One Year Old Professional Pictures

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