Saturday, May 28, 2011

Lions, Tigers and Bears - Oh My!

Well....we didn't quite make it to see that many animals, but Hayden was able to see the Gorillas and Monkeys during his first zoo visit over the Memorial Day weekend. The most exciting thing to Hayden was Mommy's earrings! That's right, he wasn't interested at all in the animals:(
We plan on taking him a few more times, but visiting a different section of the zoo each time. Hopefully the giraffes and elephants catch his eye!
Entering the zoo....
Nani and Nana

Nana talking about the Flamingos

Monday, May 16, 2011

7 Months Old!

Well, it's official - the little man is really starting to transition out of being a little baby.
New things he's done over the past few weeks include:
  • Eating his mum mum snacks - Hayden loves munching on his crispy wafer snacks
  • Loving himself some papaya and mangos
  • Babbling "Dada" all the time now
  • Hand gestures - The kid is going to do the jazz hands some day. He's so fascinated with moving his hands around in slow motions:)
  • Clapping
  • Understanding bed time rituals - reading is book and brushing his teeth. Hayden gets so excited when the toothbrush and toothpaste come out. Hopefully this is a sign of good dental hygiene in the future!
Talking to my my Nana
Yummy Yummy Mum Mum!
Being Silly!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Post-Bath Time Fun!

After getting a nice lotion massage, and putting on jammies, Hayden gets some fun playtime in his room while mommy and daddy clean up the bathroom after his bath.

Today, Hayden was introduced to some new blocks that we bought. Just like a true boy, he enjoyed banging them against each other instead of stacking them. Hmmmm...wonder who he gets that from! After a few minutes of banging, he made a decision to insert his plushy block into his mouth. Must have been yummy!

  Today is also daddy's 40th birthday!
Daddy, I love you
For all that you do.
I'll kiss you and hug you.
Because you love me, too.
Happy Birthday Daddy

Happy birthday to the my husband - Happiness is being married to my best friend!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day 2011 - First Word

Hayden had his first words this Mother's Day weekend. Can you guess what he said......


At first, we thought it was a fluke, but it turns out that the little man knows what he's saying. Hayden gets a huge smile on his face as he begins to whisper the word. He contines the repeat as he gets louder. It's amazing that pretty soon he'll be talking even more!

Look at that morning hair!

Early morning kisses!