Monday, May 16, 2011

7 Months Old!

Well, it's official - the little man is really starting to transition out of being a little baby.
New things he's done over the past few weeks include:
  • Eating his mum mum snacks - Hayden loves munching on his crispy wafer snacks
  • Loving himself some papaya and mangos
  • Babbling "Dada" all the time now
  • Hand gestures - The kid is going to do the jazz hands some day. He's so fascinated with moving his hands around in slow motions:)
  • Clapping
  • Understanding bed time rituals - reading is book and brushing his teeth. Hayden gets so excited when the toothbrush and toothpaste come out. Hopefully this is a sign of good dental hygiene in the future!
Talking to my my Nana
Yummy Yummy Mum Mum!
Being Silly!

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