Friday, May 13, 2011

Post-Bath Time Fun!

After getting a nice lotion massage, and putting on jammies, Hayden gets some fun playtime in his room while mommy and daddy clean up the bathroom after his bath.

Today, Hayden was introduced to some new blocks that we bought. Just like a true boy, he enjoyed banging them against each other instead of stacking them. Hmmmm...wonder who he gets that from! After a few minutes of banging, he made a decision to insert his plushy block into his mouth. Must have been yummy!

  Today is also daddy's 40th birthday!
Daddy, I love you
For all that you do.
I'll kiss you and hug you.
Because you love me, too.
Happy Birthday Daddy

Happy birthday to the my husband - Happiness is being married to my best friend!

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